Megan Griffiths - Your Inspiration At Home

You love food. You like to try new things. You are looking for additive free options, and want to bring the taste back to eating healthy! YIAH is for you!

Welcome! So I decided to sign up as a consultant for this fantastic product for a bit of a fun hobby as have my own small business as a freelance graphic designer and I'm also a mummy. I have fallen head over heals in love with the product myself and think everyone else needs to try it!
Personally I have been in a bit of food rut and healthy food just seems so boring and hard! but these products have got me excited about cooking again and as a mum I'm always interested in keeping out the nasties like preservatives, additives, msg and added gluten while saving time. The products are all-natural seasonings, spices, salts and other items are inspired by ethnic regions and custom blended to make cooking fast, simple and most of all healthy. Fantastic for those who want to eat clean and add flavour to meals. Im going to share recipes with you and give examples of how these can be used and probably share some of my own creations with you.

If your interested in trying the products or what to know more about ordering please feel free to contact me or head to my webpage to check out more information and useful resources.
I can also organise a tasting party for you if you are interested in hosting one, You can gain some fabulous rewards and have some fun with some great food :)

Visit my online store with orders posted Australia wide for ONLY $7.50.

Looking for consultants and Leaders to join Your Inspiration At Home expansion across Australia, and USA with expressions of interest taken for Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa.

To Join in Australia:
*Don't forget to add my Consultant ID 5573001 for all expressions of interest
